SID 5 owns various lots and outlots within the district. The outlots are designated as parkland and per SID policy, the outlots shall be maintained in a natural state.

Accordingly, residents should not encroach into the outlot area by either excessive mowing (greater than approximately 5 feet from their lot line); placement of structures (e.g. storage buildings); storage or placement of trailers, vehicles or recreational items (e.g. trampolines, swings); or the planting of gardens (vegetable or decorative).

The outlots are not to be used for target practice of any sort including, but not limited to firearms, pellet guns, archery, or crossbow. The preceding list is not to be considered all-inclusive. In addition, the use of any motorized vehicles on SID owned property is prohibited.
If it is determined to be in the interest of the district, the SID 5 Board can sell SID owned property at auction in accordance with state laws.
Follow the steps below to view the lots and outlots currently owned by SID 5.
- Go to Cass County Nebraska GIS
- Enter “SID 5 of Cass County” in the Sales Search